It is time to bring Him back!

It is time to bring back the Ark of our God, for we neglected it during the reign of Saul. 1 Chronicles 13:3

Holy Spirit prompted thru’ David that the people of Israel had neglected the Ark of God in their lives.

It is hard to believe that we could neglect the presence of the Almighty God for a season, and not even aware that we did neglected (meaning – we no longer have the presence of God in us or among us).

The reason people of Israel neglected God’s presence was they asked and got a king (Saul) to lead which made them –

  • Not to walk by faith for God to provide, protect and bless.
  • No longer worship God their Creator as they had enough food on their table, enough cloth in their closet, good health and plenty of fun.
  • We are no special creatures than the people of Israel. We are also likely to become just like them to neglect God because He blessed us so much and there is no more physical or worldly needs in our lives that we need to trust in God to provide.

    The only way to refrain ourselves from such backsliding / indifference is trust God for our spiritual needs – peace, joy, love, kindness, goodness, patience, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Because all these good and perfect things can only come from

    We have constant consistent relationship of dependence on the presence of God when we allow Him to minister to our spirits everyday. Then the Ark of God (His presence, His Word and His authority) is with us.

    Happy living!

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